AgrarIA, a project in which KIVNON participates, reaches an agreement with AWS as a technology partner.

Proyecto AgrarIA was created to boost digital innovation in the Spanish agri-food sector through cloud services. This strategic initiative aims to accelerate the digital transformation of the agri-food chain through a technological platform based on cloud services Amazon Web Services (AWS) to implement initiatives to improve service to users and to define new methods of agricultural production.
The AgrarIA project involves research into the development of a platform based on AWS artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things and data analytics services, such as AWS IoT Core, Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Athena, among others, that integrates all the necessary models and components of the agricultural value chain – production, processing and distribution. This platform will enable the definition of process flows that are integrated with the technologies necessary for their development, as well as other digital enabling technologies to deploy unique initiatives or specific use cases that favour a rapid, efficient, productive and sustainable medium-term transformation of the sector.
Examples of the project’s objectives include the development of new natural products for pest and disease control, the application of digital twins to refrigeration or photovoltaic plants (to improve energy efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint), the intelligent and global management of large agricultural plots, the development of autonomous robotics where the robot’s brain is in the cloud and interacts via 5G (Cloud Robotics) or research using quantum computing in the management of satellite images to optimise agricultural production.
In the words of Miguel Hormigo, GMV’s Industry Sector Manager, “the use of AWS services in the AgrarIA project will provide us with the most advanced artificial intelligence technologies for faster progress in research into their application to the agricultural sector. This will enable us to obtain better results in the complex use cases envisaged by the project so that, in the near future, we will have at our disposal new groundbreaking solutions and products that will spearhead the digital transformation of the sector so that Spain continues to be a world benchmark in productivity, competitiveness, interoperability and sustainability”.
El Proyecto AGRARIA: INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL APLICADA A LA CADENA DE VALOR DE LA PRODUCCIÓN AGRARIA 2050 (TSI-100114-2021-16), ha sido financiado por el Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública, mediante el Programa Misiones de I+D en Inteligencia Artificial 2021, en el marco de la Agenda España Digital 2025 y de la Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial, con financiación europea a través del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.