The Power of Preventive Maintenance for Mobile Robots

Preventive maintenance of mobile robots involves systematically inspecting, cleaning, and servicing AGVs before issues arise.
The benefits of implementing AGVs in industry

AGVs allow you to maximise efficiency and accuracy in your processes. Find out how to get the most out of AGV robots to boost your business.
Kivnon is an international group specializing in automation and mobile robotics. We design, manufacture and implement AGV/AMR.
Safety first: Ensure safety operations with Kivnon’s mobile robots!

At Kivnon, we prioritize safety above all else. Our mobile robots are designed with robust safety features to provide a secure and protected environment
How robotics can be affected by VUCA environment

Focusing on mobile robots and how we, Kivnon, can thrive in a VUCA environment, flexible navigating systems are crucial.
Transforming Intralogistics with Mobile Robots: Unleashing the Power of Logistics 4.0

The adoption of mobile robotics in Logistics 4.0 is driving the industry towards efficiency and effectiveness.
How mobile robots can prepare your business for Logistics 4.0

The implementation of mobile robots is becoming a necessity rather than a choice in order to prepare for digital transformation.
Forklift safety: AGV to the Rescue

Some AGV manufacturers are going above and beyond the minimum requirements to help ensure accident-free operations.
In Kivnon to develop easy-to-use AGVs is the key.

Designing, creating and developing User Friendly AGV/AMRs is one of our main purposes.
Why Cobots & AGVs working together are the New Cool Robots

The reduction of human error, increased safety, & others are all factors to take into account while building an AGV.