7 points to consider when considering automation

More and more manufacturers, research firms, and companies are turning to automation to reduce costs and boost quality. Investing in new technology also helps them compete and win new opportunities in an array of industries.
However, investing in automation has to make financial sense for your business, regardless of these trends.
Here are seven signs that it may be time for your company to automate.
1. The production costs
If your business continuously has production challenges or your production methods can’t keep up with customer demands. Finding an appropriate automated system can lead to a more efficient workflow.
2. High labour costs
Some companies face safety issues, absenteeism, and resignation issues, which keep labour costs high because of needed training and re-hiring. Automating can improve worker safety while reducing the cost of labour.
3. The need to outshine your competitors
Automation can be a selling point to provide a product or service at lower cost and higher quality than a competitor, mainly when calculating the time and cost needed for shipping.
4. Assembly spaces are shrinking
With smaller spaces, the need for automated systems using advanced sensors is in high demand as the need for precision surpasses human abilities. Mobile robots can get the task done in smaller spaces while working more precisely.
5. Walk-around time is high
Pickers and packers can spend more than 70% of their time simply walking around racks and rooms while looking for items. If you want to save the time spent doing mundane tasks that are tiring for workers while wasting workable time, then finding a mobile robot might be the best option.
6. Employees need empowerment
Use automation so your employees can do more strategical work instead of the heavy lifting. Employees will be able to use robots more like assistants to perform manual tasks that they once did. This means that production costs will be reduced, and the employees won’t be laid off but re-assigned elsewhere. This gives ownership of tasks while boosting morale.
7. Continuos waste
Your business may be looking at reducing wasted materials, time, and effort in pursuit of lean manufacturing objectives, in which case, automation can do just this. Flexible automated systems can save both material waste and reduce production time.
If you’re facing any of these issues, it may be time for your company to start to automate. When robotic solutions are fully adopted, your company will benefit from increased efficiency and productivity, ultimately boosting their bottom line and allowing them to reinvest in more sustainable business practices.
By adopting automated solutions, you can minimize the risk of physical injuries and delegate employees to more productive tasks.